Boao Forum for Asia Annual Conference 2010 Panel From G8 to G20: New Architecture, New Rules, New Players
/Juan José Daboub, Managing Director, World Bank
Juan José Daboub, Managing Director of the World Bank, participated in the Boao Forum for Asia's Annual Conference 2010. View the full agenda by clicking HERE.
Dr. Daboub highlighted the importance of inclusivity. The G20 includes countries responsible for 80 percent of the world's GDP, but for the sake of equality, sustainability, development and innovation, the other 168 countries of the World Bank Group must be part of the dialogue and decision making processes. The greatest challenge facing the G20 is striking a balance between inclusiveness and effectiveness/efficiency.
The rest of the world is extremely important. This recovery has to be sustainable and inclusive and it has to be led primarily by the private sector. The G20 has to challenge this balance between inclusiveness and efficiency or effectiveness. Its relevance will significantly depend on the results that can be achieved and on whether we have leaders that are thinking about the next generation and not only the next election.