CSIS Global Development Forum 2017
Dr. Juan José Daboub attended the 2017 Global Development Forum on April 19, 2017. The forum was organized by CSIS Center for Strategic & International Development.
According to the organizers, the 2017 Global Development Forum, "seeks to examine the role and purpose of official development assistance against a backdrop of rising incomes, economic growth, youth unemployment, and other continued complex challenges in many parts of the world. To address these challenges, the next U.S. administration will need to apply new approaches and remain highly flexible in a rapidly changing development landscape. In particular, this conference will explore ways in which the next few years will shape the role of the United States in international development, and how the United States can work with official donors and key partners, including the private sector, civil society, and multilateral institutions."
While at the forum, Dr. Daboub spoke on "The Evolving Role of Multilateral Institutions in Development" breakout session. From the Global Development Forum: "Multilateral institutions – including Multilateral Development Banks – are important components of global development. They experienced an over $60 billion in capital increase in the post-financial crisis. In this changing development landscape, middle-income countries do not need to borrow from MDBs like they used to. At the same time, poor and fragile states and the problems they generate are significant but the MDBs have not had a strong record in these countries. With new players emerging in the form of so-called “vertical funds” and infrastructure banks, traditional multilateral institutions need to adapt and work alongside these new factors. Are these organizations equipped to address the changing development world over the next 15 years? "
Video of Dr. Daboub's breakout session: https://www.csis.org/events/2017-global-development-forum-breakout-sessions-c
More info on Dr. Daboub's breakout session: https://www.csis.org/events/sessions/evolving-role-multilateral-institutions-development
CSIS Global Development Forum Agenda: http://us11.campaign-archive1.com/?u=833ec271d60c6750d9c3baaac&id=a100837897&e=9031cbd191